IT Experts Glossary

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Consumption Based Services

Consumption Based Services

Consumption-based services are like having your own digital pantry where you can pick and choose the technology services you need, and pay only for what you consume, like...

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DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail). Imagine sending a message in a bottle across the sea, but you want to make sure the person who receives it knows it's really from you and...

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DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance) is like a digital bouncer making sure only legit emails from your business get into your customers' or...

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Imagine you're a detective investigating a case, and you must sift through piles and piles of evidence to find the smoking gun. Well, eDiscovery is like a digital detective that...

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Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing service that provides everything from storage and networking to analytics and artificial intelligence, like a digital department store where...

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Phishing attacks are like the digital version of a bait and switch - instead of getting a yummy fish, you get a nasty virus. It's like a sneaky scammer who sends you an email or...

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Spear Phishing

Spear Phishing

Spear Phishing attacks are like a digital game of darts, but instead of aiming for a bullseye, the attacker is aiming for your personal information. It's like a sneaky...

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SPF (Sender Policy Framework). Have you ever received a sketchy-looking email that you just knew wasn't from your boss, but from a sneaky cyber-criminal trying to steal your...

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